Operation Happenis was created to increase public awareness of penile birth defects, so that patients and parents will not feel ashamed or isolated by these common conditions. Even though hypospadias is one of the most common birth defects, most people have never heard of it - because it affects the penis!
Having been told the diagnosis, patients and parents often want to learn more about these conditions. Another aim of Operation Hap-penis is to provide reliable information to better understand what is wrong and what can be done.
Reconstructive surgery, especially for hypospadias and epispadias, is considered complex. These operations are best done by specialists, who do them often. Operation Hap-penis suggests questions patients and parents can ask during office consultations to find the best surgeon for their situation.
Improving care of penis birth defects requires more and better research. Operation Hap-penis promotes well-done clinical studies to learn more about these conditions and their treatment worldwide.